Join Book Rescue, ReignOfReads, AuthorPlatformRocket, CraveBooks, Free-Ebooks, StoryOrigin & 100 Top Authors For The Largest Fantasy Newsletter Growing Giveaway In History!


FYI: If you're not a fantasy author don't worry! We will be featuring other genres very, very soon!

To be added to the notification list please send an email to with the subject: Tell me about other giveaways

Click To Shoot Us An Email So We Can Keep You In The Loop!

Grow your email newsletter, build your social fan-base, sell more books & more!

 What Is This? Book Rescue, sponsored by Fiverr, is a YouTube series devoted to helping authors in need while sharing invaluable insights for creating a professional and profitable author brand.

The series follows along with struggling authors as they get much-needed help from covers to author websites, social media marketing and beyond.

The segment of the show where this awesome giveaway will be featured, is the platform building segment! 

During this segment we will be working with 100 authors as well as many industry sponsors to help dramatically grow all participants platforms!

Between all current sponsors, the fantasy reader reach is already over 240,000 subscribers!

Now, where do you come in?



Ultimate Fantasy Bundle Toys & Games!

If you are an amazing fantasy author who:

  • Has very well reviewed books (min average 4 stars)
  • Wants to work with some of the top fantasy authors
  • Wants to grow your email newsletter subscribers
  • Wants to grow your social following
  • Excited engage with and transform your new people into fans & readers
  • Has least has 500 active email subscribers
  • Are willing to work together and promote to benefit everyone

If that sounds like you… we would LOVE to work with you! (Want in, keep scrolling! You can can register below!)

FYI: If you're not a fantasy author don't worry! We will be featuring other genres very, very soon!

Click here to send us an email and be added to the notification list


Everyone Promotes & All Net Proceeds Go Directly To Prizes & FaceBook Ads

To keep this as simple and straight-forward as possible, each aspect of the giveaway is broken down below. 

Everybody Wins Prize: The “EW” prize makes the readers happy because even if they don't win the GRAND prize, they will be getting digital copies of what will soon become their favorite new books! AKA YOUR Books!  Because everyone who enters gets your free book, YOU get to e in front of far more readers! (See FAQ below if you have questions)

GRAND PRIZE: Value $1,300 – $2,500 includes themed Lego sets, chess boards, games, boxed sets and MUCH more!

Who Gets The List: Authors & sponsors alike will each get a copy of the reader list after it is cleaned for any potentially malicious addresses.

FaceBook Ads: AuthorPlatformRocket, who has already distributed over 2 million subscribers to authors, will be managing all aspects of the lead generation FB ads.  They will also be providing “after action” reports showing reach/tracking/conversion details. 

EVERYONE PROMOTES: To be crystal clear, all participating authors and brands are required to promote in their email newsletter and on social media (top placement at least 1x and again in a placement of your choice) using the special link provided.


Etch these dates in your brain!

  • Final day for authors to register: Feb 28th 2022 At 5PM Central
  • Giveaway Goes Live: Monday, March 14th At 12 Noon Central
  • Giveaway Run Time: 30 days
  • Giveaway Ends: Friday, April 15th At 11:59PM Central

We will provide all participating authors with social graphics as well as edit/copy/paste email templates for promotion at least 7 business days in advance of the live date. 


Everyone Promotes & All Net Proceeds Go Directly To Prizes & FaceBook Ads

The sponsorship investment for authors is $77 per author spot.  We have only 100 spots at this time.

  • You are a fantasy author with a min average rating of 4 stars
  • You are willing to promote 2x via email (1x top placement/1x other placement) & 3x via social during the 30 day giveaway
  • You agree to keep this drama free, respect all involved and behave in an adult-like manner throughout.
  • You are willing to provide a free “ew” digital book to all who enter (can be your current lead magnet)


Beyond nearly every asset or advertisement you can run as an author, the subscribers on your email newsletter can become your greatest book buying asset. 

A: While we can never know exact numbers, with the massive scale of this giveaway, 100 authors all promoting, as well as thousands in FB ad spend, we are expecting a range between 7,000 – 25,000. It very well could be much higher but we are going to err on the conservative side.

We highly recommend using a service called BookFunnel.  (However, if you have ProlificWorks or a similar service that is also effective.)

After joining, simply put your BookFunnel or ProlificWorks lead capture/lead-magnet link in your intake form and we will take care of the rest.

Yes! Our promotions are GDPR compliant in MANY ways:

  1. Our promotions are only open to US residents and as the GDPR is for Europe/Brittan, it is not a factor.  However, we don't stop there, we take it MUCH further…
  2. We clearly disclose on each contest page the nature of the promotion, and that by joining they are providing their consent to being subscribed to the relevant mailing lists.
  3. We also give clear instructions on how readers may “unsubscribe” from any/all newsletters if they wish
  4. Each reader who joins the main contest is given the option to join each author newsletter via their BookFunnel or ProlificWorks link.  If a reader does not wish to join a list or engage with an author they can simply chose not to sign up.

You can use a similar service such as StoryOrigin, BookFunnel, ProlificWorks, etc. As long as you can provide a link where readers can subscribe to your mailing list and download your featured book, you're good to go!

No. Kindle Unlimited titles cannot be used with list-building giveaways. It is against Amazon's TOS and the Kindle Unlimited program is not the same as a free book or lead magnet.

We have other promotional services where KU books may be appropriate.  Click here>>

This promotion is only open to fantasy authors.  However, we will be hosting more of these in the future. If you wish to know about these when they open, please sign up for the notification list using the button on this page.

When we first started help build author platforms back in 2015 many authors were overjoyed to see THOUSANDS of new readers signing up to their newsletters.  Right after, however, the question came up “this is great, but what do I do with them?”

The answer is actually really simple: Send them messages!  Any time you post on your site, on social or have a new release, tell them about it in an email!

It's truly that simple.  Connect with them, keep your list clean & watch your sales soar!

Our goal is to always have a different group of featured authors on each promotion. Doing this allows for fresh readers to be sent to the promotions each and every time.

That is why we ask that you only join a MAX of 2 promotions (per pen name) each quarter.  Again, you may feature each penname up to 8 times per year.

Our new giveaway lists are published roughly 2 weeks before the start of each quarter and you will be able to sign up to a max of two per penname. 

Our email newsletter giveaway campaigns are always more effective than any others for a few key reasons:

  1. We ONLY focus on hyper focused, niche genre readers who are engaged & looking to discover new authors
  2. We have been for years and are still, running HYPER targeted paid advertising that allows us to create audiences that nobody else has access to (even with the release of iOS 14)
  3. We have built some of the most valuable data in the publishing industry: Actual book buyers.  Since our parent company started over 10 years ago, our single focus has been to actually do what no other publisher or author has: know their actual buyers/readers.  And the results have been staggering. Focusing on this for so many years has allowed us to build an audience of readers who not only buy books, but also buy author fan merch, ecom physical goods as well as audiobooks. 
  4. We often leverage our in-house, custom audiences while dedicating a percentage of total giveaway sponsorships to ad driven traffic. This drives more & more & more engaged readers into YOUR email newsletter. 


Our normal giveaways feature 15-20. With our EPIC giveaways (aka this one) we allow up to 100.

We share the giveaway on our own social medias and our daily newsletter! However, it is vital that authors share as well. We will prove you with  graphics, your giveaway link, and some copy suggestions for your email newsletter.

We are also promoting with thousands in FaceBook ads.