Your Sci Fi & Fantasy Reading List – 5/8

Bloody Queen (The Fury of a Vampire Witch Book 1)
Theophilus Monroe

Hell hath no fury like a witch-turned-vampire scorned…
My long-dead vampire brother has returned from hell.

He's challenged my right to the vampire throne.

He brought a hellhound with him.

Every time hellbeast kills, the bastard gets stronger.

He's unstoppable. Stronger and faster than any vampire I've ever encountered.

Have I finally met my match?

On top of that, my ex-vampire lover is on a tear.

I need to rally every vampire I can find.

I've teamed up with Prince Ladinas and the Vampire Underground.

These vampires aren't much for the democratic processes of the Vampire Council. They need a bloody queen—and I'm just the bitch for the job.

Go up and click ‘Buy Now' or “Read for Free' to find out if Mercy Brown has what it takes to rally the underground vampires, stop the hellbeast, and save her former lover.

Bloody Queen is the first book in The Fury of a Vampire Witch. You've met Mercy before in The Legacy of a Vampire Witch and The Blood Witch Saga. She's fought against devils and demons, insidious witches, and old-world vampires. When she returns to Exeter, where she grew up as a girl, she'll find enemies even bigger and badder than anything she's ever faced before.

A great series for fans of the True Blood / Sookie Stackhouse novels or the Underworld franchise to sink their fangs into. The Fury of a Vampire Witch features a dark and twisty romance, action that could even get a vampire's heart pumping, and a snarky badass heroine.


AR Knight

To save her family, Kaishi fights a desperate war for survival against enemies from Earth and far beyond. Meanwhile, an alien warrior must choose between his honor and his orders as his love faces a fate worse than death.

Caught between warring factions, Kaishi and her tribe face extinction. When a burning meteor lights up the night, Kaishi investigates and finds a creature with answers for everything, with secrets that could let Kaishi save her people. All Kaishi has to do is follow Its orders, no matter where they might lead.

Sax leads a final assault against the galaxy's most hated enemy, one that holds surprises deep inside its besieged ship. With his claws, teeth, and tail, Sax is a living weapon, but some evils are not so easily erased. He must hunt down every last one, and if Sax survives the assault, he'll turn his eyes to Earth.

Starshot is the first book in The Skyward Saga, a completed sci-fi adventure series that features mind-bending alien encounters, far-future action, devious villains, and a heroine that won’t stop fighting.


Shadowseer: London
Morgan Rice

Kaia, 17, an orphan coming of age in the Victorian London of the 1850s, yearns to escape her horrific orphanage, to discover who her parents were, and to understand why she can sense shadows when others cannot. Yet the streets of London are as brutal as the orphanage, and for Kaia, there is no easy way out.

When Kaia, arrested, faces an even worse punishment, Detective Pinsley, 45, notices a strange marking on her arm and thinks she might be the key in solving a peculiar, mysterious case. Bodies are turning up dead in London, and Pinsley wonders whether it’s the work of a deranged serial killer, or of something… else. The methods of murder seem impossible, as does the murderer’s ability to escape death.

Kaia is given a choice: help solve the case, or be shipped off to Bedlam, the notorious insane asylum.

Unlikely partners, each mistrusting the other, Kaia and Pinsley embark to scour the dark corners and cobblestone streets of 19th century London in search of clues.

Yet what they find may shock and horrify even them.

Dark fantasy meets mystery in SHADOWSEER, a page-turning, atmospheric thriller packed with twists and cliffhangers that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Fans of books such as Spellbreaker, The Dresden Files, Mortal Instruments and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde will find much to love in SHADOWSEER, satisfying fantasy fans who appreciate mystery and suspense—a clean hybrid that will appeal to both adult and young adult readers. Get ready to be transported to another world—and to fall in love with characters you will never forget.
